Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 is Leading the way through HTML 5 Innovations

ie9 & HTML 5
The use of HTML5 was considered to be a minimum margin in the world of coding compared to the massive web arenas of today. Surprisingly web developers have had access to HTML 5 for some time now.

Until recently most developers and web users really didn’t see a need for this type of 360 coding; and this is mainly due to web browsers and mobile devices using plug-ins such as Adobe Flash, Java Script, Active X and more.

I take this time to proudly congratulate Microsoft for taking charge and leading the way by example; I remind you that this HTML 5 coding has been at our finger tips for years now.

Microsoft is truly building a better web experience through Internet Explorer; from the enhancements of IE8 bottled with amazing customer feedback, Microsoft has tremendously separated themselves from the bunch with the new IE9 release.

HTML5 is defined by a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web. The complex coding of HTML 5 welcomes the enhancements to new video, audio, pic-imagery, online gaming, and scalable graphics on a wide spectrum.

These innovations are not only deemed as a standard in HTML 5, but have already been coded by IE9 to improve web experiences across the board.

For example the “ Hunger Games ” web campaign was completely fueled and ran by IE9 using new HTML 5 coding developed by several teams during the course of this movie release. You can see from the video below how basic web coding plus HTML 5 enhancements made this movie experience all the rave. Full site link here:

Microsoft didn’t just stop here, as I said before they are leading the way with (IE) & HTML 5.

Another awesome project the IE Team brought to light was the cool enhancements to music videos such as “Jasmine Villegas” the (IE) team has exercised the HTML 5 coding here to bring us yet another great web experience.

If you already use Internet Explorer 9, then you know first-hand how great the web feels and response to you as the user. To get a feel for what I’m describing take a look at the music video enhanced through IE9 & HTML 5.

A blog post by Roger Capriotti of The Windows Blog Team further details the breakdown for IE9 usage in Windows 7. Not only do they provide the market research, they show a visual of the IE9 usage around the World Wide Web.

These impressive numbers don’t lie; it just goes to show that IE9 has captured the hearts of users all over the world.

In conclusion to my post, the innovations of HTML 5 & IE9 will widely open doors for developers and form factors around the world. The groundwork being laid down by Microsoft will continue to add to the overall web experience for users and system platforms abroad.

“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows”
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_

Microsoft again has brought mass change to the eco-system & PC industry of the world.

The Windows Build of 1995 introduced new innovations to the PC world that has continued to shape and mode the eco systems of today. Innovations of the Build 95 changed the computer industry forever; computer companies, and rival software developers had to adjust to stay relevant to the dominance of Windows 95.

16 years ago Microsoft Windows laid down a road map for PC standards, and today they again have re-imagined Windows for the world. The Windows 8 build for me will not only bring about new change but again shift the PC industry into form factors that have given new life to the PC era of today.

As PC innovations continue to get smaller and thinner, the one factor that will remain steadfast is the Windows eco-system; the Windows platform will be recognized in newer form factors yet to be introduced in this era.

Seen here in “A Day Made of Glass 2 ” you can get a glimpse of Microsoft Surfaces and how we’ll continue to enjoy Windows as the chosen (OS) for years to come.

The new build of Windows 8 will include standards such as HTML5 powered in the new Internet Explorer 10 browser; currently there are limited sites and platforms compatible with HTML5, but again that’s where Windows 8 comes in. As the PC industry continues to shift, new hardware and software developments are already underway for the official release of Windows 8.

Accelerated hardware and processor companies like Intel, ARM, Texas Instruments, Snapdragon and NVIDIA are also onboard with improvements for the life of the PC industry. Take a look at the new PC’s already here and some to come in the video below.

In conclusion to my post the naysayers would have you believe the Post PC Era is among us, but the real truth is we are far from it. As long as Microsoft exists we will never experience life without the PC; yes in the future you will see PC’s getting smaller and thinner down to a paper size due to the force and speed of technology, but rest assure, Microsoft Windows will still be the driving force of the ego system and that’s the real beauty of a Windows PC, whether it’s incased as a paper size desktop or a hand held sheet of plastic… or better yet thin air.

“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows”
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_