Microsoft’s Cafe Mango To Go Food Truck tours the U.S.

The Windows Phone marketing division back in Redmond has truly “Put People First” with this new marketing concept called “Café Mango To Go”.

This awesome ideal of giving away free food while spreading mobile awareness of the most innovative smart phone built to date; is simply groundbreaking.

The Windows Phone platform has truly changed the smart phone industry since it’s re-entry to the market; and to help get the word out about this amazing device, Café Mango To Go is on tour around the United States to an area near you.

To get insight on where they’ve been or where they will be touring next, just follow @CaféMangoToGo on Twitter; they keep the people informed as well as fed with healthy food and awesome Windows Phone gifts.

As a fan of Microsoft Windows I was excited to hear about this cool venture through the Windows Blogs; and when they came to my neck of the woods –> a*k*a Dallas Texas, I just so happen to be at work.

My wife called me up and said “guess what I’m looking at right now”, after a few failed attempts she said “A BIG RED Microsoft Windows Phone Truck”; my mouth dropped to the floor in utter excitement, I couldn’t believe my ears so I asked her to take pic’s and drive closer to see what they were up to.

She informed them that I was a crazed fan of Microsoft Windows and that he would love to be here right now. I told my wife to turn the car around and pick me up, but the Café Mango Team was heading out to their next location, and due to safety measures they couldn’t disclose any whereabouts.

Rest assure the next day after following them on Twitter I was geared up and awaiting the first location Tweet. It was so surreal seeing the all red Café Mango Truck decked out in the Windows Phone graphics, and an all-star cast of Microsoft staff dressed to the nine with red hat’s, red & white wind breakers, and black slacks.


This was truly a great experience for me and a beautiful presentation from the Microsoft Café Mango To Go Team. These guys had more than enough food and an awesome line up of Windows Phones to demo.

Being a proud Windows Phone owner myself I knew that from the demos they showed me, that this was a great play book of valid information for mobile carriers as well as first time users.

The concept of a mobile food truck with free food and an excellent range of educated staff has never been done before; the Microsoft Café Mango To Go team is exactly what we as fans, consumers, and businesses need.

In conclusion to my blog post, I encourage you to visit The Microsoft Café Mango To Go Truck, when passing through your state or neck of the woods. I promise you that it will be both fulfilling and pleasing to your belly as well as to your mobile awareness.

“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows”
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_