“ Watch ” out! … Here comes the smartwatch.

WatchOut MSSmartwatch Blog

Next time your off to work or just out and about in the city, take a look around at your fellow peers and quickly glance at their wrist area. That’s right ladies and gentlemen wearable’s are among us and smart watches are presently the tip of the iceberg. Microsoft’s plan for the “smartwatch” is no doubt in the works; but this early in the game all we have to go on are concepts and visual aids to tease us. Take a look at these smartwatch designs below to get an ideal or possible body style for the Windows smartwatch coming soon  -we hope!

Windows Smartwatches

As fans we are eagerly awaiting the flagship Microsoft “ Windows smartwatch ” to debut; but my thoughts at this point on the smartwatch for Microsoft – is time. Time to absorb the market for wearables and allow current beta releases from samsung and iso to provide feedback on early adopters.

What we do know is that the Windows smartwatch will be compatible to all platforms; which is a plus for various system users because of the no compromise factor. Also this time around unlike the Nokia Lumia branding on our smartphones; all new designs and branding will be labeled Windows going forward.

Windows Branding

This is a concluding phase to the buyout of the Nokia devices and services platform; another plus to the Windows branding is though the name is changing the build quality of Lumia will remain the same for Microsoft.

As I mentioned before we only have concepts and mock-ups to visualize the Windows smartwatch experience for now. The following clip is from a fan concept design, based off the Lumia /Windows ideal smartwatch.

The thing about concept devices and 3D mock-ups are they tend to actually look better than the final product release; and unlike the recently released iso and samsungs models the mock-ups below are beyond awesome for the Windows smartwatch concepts.

Main MS smartwatch view    Thin flat MS Smartwatch  preview    MS Smartwatch green
MS WP and smartwatch  Microsoft-Sport-Smartwatch-Concept 4  Cortana smartwatch concept

Microsoft-Sport-Smartwatch two Dark concept MS smartwatch MS wp and samrtwatch

Graphic artist Phone Designer ” does an excellent job rendering the Windows smartwatch designs, with thin wearable concepts and optional styles that complement the Windows smartphone as a combined outfit.

The design alone for consumers will most likely not be the deciding factor for the Windows smartwatch; however the apps and signature features like Cortana, Fitbit, and the familiar eco-system of Windows across all platforms will be the total package.

Now from a personal stand point on wearables, I’m excited to see what Microsoft does in this area moving forward. But… being from a generation that grew up in the original wrist watch phase, I’m also a little undecided on if I will actually wear them. It’s been over ten plus years since I’ve worn an actual watch,  and I can imagine it will feel a bit funny to rock a time-piece on my wrist again.

Resized MS smartwatch

However when Microsoft releases the first official smartwatch for Windows I will be on board to purchase one; and if the designs look anything like the concept work fromPhone Designer  I will proudly be sporting the new Windows smartwatch as the newest addition to our Windows family.

“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows” _________________________________________________________________________________________________
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_









Home Automation with Windows


Home Automation Windows

Have you ever wanted a smart home? Well now you can have one, Microsoft has several platforms to help make your home smarter. Home Automation has been around for quite sometime now; but with the internet of things the experience has blossomed tremendously.

While there are several options to choose from in home automation my focus will be about the INSTEON product line; Microsoft recently partnered with INSTEON to bring their platform to the Windows eco-system. The INSTEON application works compatibly with your Windows smartphone as well as your Windows tablet and PC; so no matter where you are you can control your home and appliances from anywhere.

INSTEON Features

The above icons indicate just some of the features INSTEON can control and provide instant alerts to you in real-time. The INSTEON starter package comes with a basic network hub and two appliance power adapters to get you started. You can always expand your smart home experience by adding additional adapters and INSTEON sensors for doors, floors and windows; take a look at the  product page for additional upgrades.

INSTEON product line

Your home will truly be smarter with these enhancements; and with the ability to send an email notification from any of them with specific information or warnings, makes the INSTEON product line priceless. If you invest in the system I recommend the addition of the INSTEON IP-Cameras; with these cams you can have an extra set of eyes on your home while away. The IP-cams can pan up to 300 degrees and tilt to 120 degrees allowing you to look almost anywhere you place them. I’ve included a video of the INSTEON automation system for your review and hands on demo by the Windows Phone Central Team; the video is about 6 & half minutes long so I hope you enjoy it.

If your impressed by the INSTEON system thus far your going to love this next part about Cortana. Cortana was also recently introduced to the Windows eco-system for the WP8.1 release update. Cortana is a life like intelligence application built for the Windows platform as a personal assistant and a very smart one at that.

The combination of any app with Cortana at the helm is like an instant upgrade to it; you see you can tell Cortana to do just about anything on your phone and she will carry out the command prompt as if you did it yourself. If you want to turn on your lights, unlock your doors, adjust the home thermostat just simply tell Cortana and watch her control the app process flawlessly. The following video below shows Cortana in action with a similar home automation app; take a look at how she stacks up to the command request for this app.

Well I hope you enjoyed this post on home automation with Windows; and the new possibilities and innovations made possible by Cortana. To conclude I leave you with a few places to buy the INSTEON system; and whether your interested in the starter kit or the basic home module with add-on’s, the price range will be around $119.99 to $299.99 depending on your home automation needs.

Retailers of INSTEON:

1. Microsoft  2. Best Buy 3. Smart home 4. Walmart 5. B&H 6. Tiger Direct 7. Amazon 8. Costco and more….


“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows” _________________________________________________________________________________________________
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_













Go Ahead, Pick One! Windows Phone 8.1

WP8.1 Blog image Post

With so many model options to choose from, picking the one Windows Phone to rule them all is getting a bit harder. If you’re currently not a Windows Phone user, then take heed to the blog title above -Literally! For Windows users and WP8 owners it’s a no brainer why the WP is the all around go to mobile device.

The platform is solid because its built off the Windows eco-system for starters; and with an array of models and manufactures to choose from like the Nokia Lumia, Samsung, Huawei, ZTE, HTC, Lenovo, LG, and the list goes on… You can bet you will find your style or brand for the Windows Phone line.

Line of WP8.1

WP 8.1 is here and the upgrade is simply awesome; one of the most anticipated features with this enhancements is non-other than Cortana, the almost human like digital assistant. Let me be the first to tell you Cortana is in rare form when it comes to human interaction as a personal assistant; if you really take the time to learn what the Windows Phone can do, Cortana will make your experience that much better.

Well let’s take a look at what’s new in WP 8.1; Microsoft has compiled an excellent overview page full of details and helpful tips to get you started with the all new WP 8.1

As you can see from the above video Microsoft’s focus is on you, they are continuing to put people first when it comes to the standards of smartphone innovation. The WP 8.1 platform will benefit not only from the new features shown, but from the now overwhelming 300,000 plus apps available in the Windows Phone marketplace.

Partial thanks can be given to the all new version of Visual Studios 2013 and the awesome developers working with Microsoft. The new introductory tool of writing code once in common #DEV language; and have your app run both for smartphones and tablets is priceless to say the least. The participation and adoption rate from developers is beautiful for the Windows Phones eco-system and the family of WP users.

WP8.1 300000 apps

For me apps are great but to be honest with you they don’t make or break my overall decision when choosing a Windows Phone. I feel they can enhance your smartphone experience and even make you feel like your phone is new again; and that in itself is a good thing. But let’s turn the focus back to the available models to look at or even consider for your next upgrade or new Windows Phone purchase when it comes around.

Nokia no doubt for me is the best smartphone manufacture of the Windows Phones division; and just recently Microsoft has acquired the devices and services of Nokia so officially now Microsoft is the best smartphone designer today.

My personal hands-on device is non-other than the Nokia Lumia 1520 – and before you guys gasp at the size of this bad boy, just remember the term “don’t knock it before you try it”. The 1520 is extremely perfect for me mainly because in my profession as an IT Director, its easy to adapt to a device of this size which really resembles a hand size tablet or more to the point a phablet. The screen size and visual clarity alone of the 1520 is enough to make any smartphone lover stumble just trying to get a glimpse of it; but rather than continue to tease your senses take a look at the hands on review by Nokia.

As I mentioned before there are many Windows Phones to choose from and so as I conclude my blog post for today; I leave you with the link to the Windows Phone page to review the excellent options available.

The link to your next- or should I say “New” smartphone awaits… Click Here:


“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows” _________________________________________________________________________________________________
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_
