Surface Fever

If a picture is worth a thousand words then you can say that the general public is going goo goo over the newly announce tablet/PC called “ Surface ”. I for one have to agree with the kid in the picture above. I feel every bit of excitement rushing through my veins as the countdown gets closer to the Surface release; so much so that I’ve given my condition the name “ Surface Fever ”.

Now let’s go over the facts and speak on some details; we know that this is the first official hardware PC created solely by Microsoft, we also know that when Microsoft makes hardware inspired by the windows operating system it’s already a success from the start.

Looking back over the years on Microsoft innovations with hardware, you can’t help but get the feeling that this will change everything. Generally speaking for the PC industry; but now with the announcement of Surface RT & Pro the so-called Post PC era takes another back seat. The Surface tablet will not only re-shape the PC industry, but will also restructure the thought process on entertainment devices such as the kindle, nook, ipad, nexus7, and many more mobile hardware platform.

The key factors that differentiate the Surface tablet from other devices would be the simple power of the Windows operating system. With Windows there is truly no compromise with productivity, entertainment, power, and mobile portability. The Surface tablet is seen as an all in one solution for the above mentioned. Granted you have people who just want to use a simple e-reader, and nothing more, but for those that thrive for unlimited freedom and the power of the PC will soon be buying a Surface tablet.

Just take a look at the specs for the Surface RT, and the Surface Pro; depending on your needs Microsoft has covered both audiences. The general public meaning you as the everyday consumer, and the pro users such as businesses, enterprise agencies, corporate industries, and of course the techies will benefit tremendously. If you would like a more detailed or firsthand review of the new Surface tablets, just set aside some time and view the video below.

In response to my current condition over the Surface, I find myself visiting the Microsoft Surface website every day in hopes to seeing something new or possibly a fresh link for pre-orders. I know – I know we are less than a month away, but I just can’t wait to see the official TV AD’s, or another awesome Surface teaser at least.

Well until then I will continue to make my own AD’s, and enjoy the popcorn before the show; so let the countdown began until we are officially one with the Surface on 10/26/2012.

“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows”
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_

Team Microsoft, take a Bow! JOB Well Done!

Hat’s off to Microsoft! The first half of 2012 has been a remarkable one; the hard work put in from all aspects of the Microsoft Team has really re-shaped the tech industry’s direction. Since the early stages of the build conference last year Microsoft has truly outlined a strategic plan of relevance for the PC industry.

Let’s start with the enhancements to the hardware platform for companies like Intel, AMD, Texas Instruments, Nvidia, and ARM. The following companies were challenged by Microsoft to build and bring forth the best hardware accelerations for PC’s known today. This small step of aligning the key players to produce a better chip & system experience was truly a great piece to the overall roadmap.

As you can see Microsoft has laid the foundation for building upon the new release of Windows 8. The design flow known as “Live Tiles” has blossomed across their eco-system, not just for the Windows Phone; but for the entire line of products.

Granted the Windows Phone was the first device to grace us with the beautiful presence of live tiles; but now as a complete experience we can enjoy the continued flow of metro throughout the following sources -> Windows 8, Xbox music, XBOX 360 Kinect, Windows Phone Apollo and soon to be added to the list, our very own Microsoft Surface Tablet.

It’s no secret that Microsoft Windows is the number one operating system in the world, and as we look back over 30 years of proven innovations, it’s easy to see why. Microsoft has its thumb on the heartbeat of the technology industry, and will continue to control the Post PC Era life line.

There are so many areas of success to cover on the behalf of Microsoft’s first half, but I want to zero in on just a few highlights. We start with an array of Mango enabled Windows Phones, they range from models such as the Samsung Focus 1&2, HTC Trophy, HTC Arrive, HTC Radar, HTC Titan 1&2, Nokia Lumia 710, 800, and the beautifully design Nokia Lumia 900.

At the start of the year Microsoft launched a contest at the 2012 CES to prove that the Windows Phone was the fastest mobile (OS) built today. To get the attention of literary millions of audiences, and not to mention the competition; Microsoft put up $100 per challenger, and they used a handful of the Windows Phone devices to prove their point.

The Windows Phone challenge was a success, they literary blew pass and smoked the competition by more than 95% during the challenges.

Next up we have the consumer release of Windows 8, the reaction to this preview was history in the making. Literally on the first day of the download release, Microsoft had over 1 million downloads recorded for the new (OS); and to think still today the downloads are continuing. Windows 8 has already been named the recommended (OS) for top OEM’s as they prepare for future hardware announcements later this year.

To ensure the success of Windows 8 Microsoft has invested billions in patents, purchased social influences such as Skype, Yammer, (pronounced ‘social’ and as an added bonus a percentage of Face Book too. In addition to this foot work Microsoft has invested over 300 million to start a company with Barns & Nobel to develop and build Windows 8 apps for the e-reader platform as well as the new Microsoft Surface Tablet.

Indeed thus far the road map looks great for this first half, and as we look forward there will be greater innovations to follow during the second half of this awesome journey. As we review the following accomplishments we have one more mile stone to look at; (Nokia) who has returned to the mobile arena not just as a mobile player, but a company who has partnered with Microsoft to bring about great change to the tech industry.

A few months back Microsoft and Nokia set out to build a flagship Smartphone, and today that phone is non-other than the Lumia 900. Nokia set the stage with awesome commercial ads, and suspenseful surprises such as the Smart Phone Beta Test count down; as well as a surprise performance in the middle of Time Square in-which they debuted the beautiful Nokia Lumia 900. Together Microsoft and Nokia have continued to reach millions of users with new promotions and efforts for awareness of the Windows platform.

In conclusion to my blog post we look at just two more events that helped shaped the awareness of the Windows Phone presence. One that I had the pleasure of attending myself was the “Behind the Tiles Event”; Microsoft held several invites at local Best Buys around the US to provide one on one informative sessions on the Windows phone. They provided detailed walkthroughs, contest, goodie bags, and awesome giveaways. Needless to say the event was a great success, and the turnout was even better than expected.

Just weeks after this event Microsoft met with a few celebrities to help promote the new Nokia Lumia 900; the theme for this event was titled “ Free Time Machine”, the message for this promotion was how well the Windows Phone was built, and designed to give you free time to do other things. Specifically how fast the phone was at performing basic task or everyday functions quickly allowing you as the user to get back to what’s important- your time.

So for this event, celebrities such as Vernon Davis & Kourtney Kardashian came out to give away free time with Microsoft. There where grand prizes such as all paid expense trips to tropical getaways, cash prizes, gift cards, and more.

As we come to a close I would like to say again “JOB Well Done” and thank you to the entire Microsoft Windows family; if indeed the 2nd half of this year is anything like the first we are in for an awesome year.

“Until next time – Stay Powered by Windows”
By: Toran Lacy | @TWindows_